Jan 27, 2011
Descry Magazine,
issue 3,
Rebekah Campbell
Showcasing select submissions to Descry Magazine Issue no. 1.
Someone Stole My Heart
A portrait of the thief, the stranger, the lover, the one who never showed up, the one who slipped away. Remember the gaze, the chase, the flutter, the feast, the bliss, the solace, the shadow, the ache, the furnace ….the fall.
Love is a poem: a sail on the black sea, a shackle, a castaway, a message in a bottle, a reconstitution, a deep sigh, an orchestra, a simple chord. Love is driven by hunger, obscured by fears. Love is the moon in your eyes; Love is whom or what you see when your belly aches and you are lonesome once more. Love is absence and longing, love is your heart on the floor.
Expose yourself: love is human strangeness, love is sorrow, love is accidental. Show us how you pushed that someone away when you were too afraid to let yourself go; Love is all-encompassing, a feeling: a doing and undoing, a smokescreen, a flight, a weight, a forsaken, a case of the sweetest wine, a violin.
Romance us, we want magic and wonder; we want to see the one who held out their hands and presented you with their heart too, the one you always call whether you have won at the slots or just walked into a wall. The one who, when you are together, the world closes in on and only the two of you exist. Show us how you danced in the kitchen and then slow-moved the night away. Show us the moonlight on your skin, entwined. Show us the smiles, the laughter, the common language. Show us the one who stole your heart and held on tightly.
Issue No. 3 is your love story, the tale of you the other exposed. Show us it how it began, progressed, ended, lingers, or swells endless. Be candid, be fresh, be humbled and strange- be human, as there is no other reasonable way to talk about love: the wild horse: reckon-less, reasonless; Love is an empty hollow; Love is an ocean; LOVE IS A STOLEN HEART.
DEADLINE- February 18th, 2011
Complete guidelines available @ www.descrymagazine.com